Tuesday, September 1, 2009

boring update

Like I have anything of interest to say. I love my job, but due to the economy,( isn't that the excuse for everything now-a-days?) I may be cut back a bit. Truthfully that doesn't hurt my heart much. I must say. Although I feel better physically than I have in about 6 years, having two callings, four kids, a sickly hubby, a job, and one car.... well, you get it. Yep, my house is a mess. This weekend I decided that I'd better clean the bathrooms. When you go in to use them and think..."HMMM, maybe I should go to the gas station down the road, there restrooms are probably cleaner," then you know intervention is necessary. more later. T

1 comment:

  1. Hey, when you get a minute, can you call me on my cell phone? 503 550-2040. I had to get a new phone and don't have your number.
